A place for me to share my thoughts about the books I read.
This book is so cute! For a book lover like me the plot sounds like a dream come true. I loved the characters and the plot itself was perfect. The ending surprised me but it made perfect sense. Overall this is a really feel good kind of book. I was giggling like a school girl while reading it and it gave me a nice break from all the serious, heart wrenching books I have been reading lately. Overall I recommend this book especially to book lovers like me who have felt so connected to a character that you wished they were real.
The Raven Boys has to be my favorite book my Maggie Steifvater so far. It was a little slow at times but with good reason as so much information was introduced it gave time to adjust. The plot was great and I know it will just get better from here. Some things were resolved but others were left open and I can’t wait to read the next book to see how things go. I loved the characters most. I wasn’t sure how so many characters would work out but each distinct personality shined and I loved each one whether it was instantly or they grew on me. I must say I appreciate the way the romance seems to be going. Blue, who I adore, is actually getting a chance to know the guys without automatically being head over heels for someone. A crush and visions hint at something more but I appreciate the fact that we learn about them without the main character constantly talking about how they are so perfect, we get to see their strengths and flaws. Overall I recommend giving this book a try.
This is a series review of the Unearthly series. I must say this series was one I couldn’t put down. In between deciding which boy I loved more and finding out what was happening to Clara I had a blast. The plot reveals one twist after another; some were predictable others were not. I enjoyed the characters most. I got so attached to some and others I disliked with a passion. The witty humor among such hard experiences (some even had me crying) kept things light enough to not be overwhelmed. I definitely recommend this series especially to angel book lovers.
This is a series review of the Unearthly series. I must say this series was one I couldn’t put down. In between deciding which boy I loved more and finding out what was happening to Clara I had a blast. The plot reveals one twist after another; some were predictable others were not. I enjoyed the characters most. I got so attached to some and others I disliked with a passion. The witty humor among such hard experiences (some even had me crying) kept things light enough to not be overwhelmed. I definitely recommend this series especially to angel book lovers.
This is a series review of the Unearthly series. I must say this series was one I couldn’t put down. In between deciding which boy I loved more and finding out what was happening to Clara I had a blast. The plot reveals one twist after another; some were predictable others were not. I enjoyed the characters most. I got so attached to some and others I disliked with a passion. The witty humor among such hard experiences (some even had me crying) kept things light enough to not be overwhelmed. I definitely recommend this series especially to angel book lovers.
An amazing sequel that picks up right were the first left off and is action packed from there. I enjoyed this book a lot and seeing Skye make some big decisions, learn her powers and truly come into herself was a great experience. The plot got darker and more intense while having some moments of hope. The end has a lot of big revelations that make me so excited for A Radiant Sky. Over all I definitely recommend this series!
This was a reread for me and I loved it just as much the second time around. Karen Witemeyer wastes no time getting you right into the story and the characters quickly become lively with dynamic personalities. I really cared about what happened to them and was on the edge of my seat most of the time. Short-Straw Bride is a fun, action packed, witty read that I definitely recommend.
Stealing the Preacher was a fun and entertaining read with important spiritual lessons. It is a companion novel to A Short-Straw Bride. I just love Karen Witemeyer's writing as her characters are easy to connect to and care for Joanna and Crocket are no different. The plot was less action focused and more plot oriented than usual but it really fit in the story. At the end the action picks up as one thing happens right after another which felt a little abrupt but overall was carried out well. I definitely recommend this book!
A great sequel to Rampant that immediately draws you back into the world and all the action. The characters were amazing as usual and I became more attached to Astrid than ever before. The plot was mysterious and full of gray areas to where you weren't told what was wrong or right you had to figure that out for yourself along with Astrid. Overall I recommended this series!
Scarlet was an amazing sequel to Cinder! Much more action packed and faster pacing it loses none of the charm and depth that Cinder had. You’re introduced to new characters that I came to love as much as I do the others. At first I was less interested in Scarlet’s story being much more concerned about Cinder but she and Wolf grew on me and as more was revealed and the dots began connecting I wasn't able to put the book down. Switching POV's can be tricky but I felt Marissa Meyer pulled it off great as I never became confused as to whose POV I was reading. Scarlet gives you some answers to questions left in Cinder but not all is revealed and new problems arise. Overall I recommend this series as it seems to just keep getting better.
This is a reread for me and I loved it more the second time around. Cinder was a great read and amazing set up to the series. It was fun to read about something so familiar yet brand new. The plot doesn't seem much until you get towards the end when things are revealed that leave you blown away. The characters were amazing! I grew so attached to Cinder that I worried for the people she did even if I wasn't too impressed with that character at the time (Prince Kai). I felt strongly about all the characters. Some I loved, others I wished would fall off a cliff and more that grew on me throughout the book. Overall I definitely recommend this book especially to fairytale/sci fi lovers.
A Triumph for Sakura was a fun and unique read! The plot is what really shines in this book. The vampires and their caste system were really interesting and the fast paced action in the book kept you entertained. I never connected to any of the characters but that didn’t stop me from caring and rooting for them! The only problem I had was the over use of profanity. I understand using profanity as it fits in with the world but at times it seemed to be too much and became a distraction. It didn’t make me stop reading as I could ignore it and go on for the sake of wanting to know what happened. Overall I recommend reading this book especially to vampire/dystopian lovers.
Thank you to the author for letting me review this book. I was in no way required to give a positive review all opinions expressed above are my own.
Sapphire Blue is a great, action packed sequel to Ruby Red and really made me excited for this series. It was evenly paced and full of mystery. Once one question was answered 10 more pop up. I loved Gwen even more as she had me laughing and crying along with her. The end was a great twist that was really unexpected. Overall I recommend reading this series.
Sapphire Blue is a great, action packed sequel to Ruby Red and really made me excited for this series. It was evenly paced and full of mystery. Once one question was answered 10 more pop up. I loved Gwen even more as she had me laughing and crying along with her. The end was a great twist that was really unexpected. Overall I recommend reading this series.
Ruby Red was a story that took some time to get into but by the end I was intrigued. The plot is a lot more complicated than first revealed and though I loved Gwen and her best friend the plot is what kept me reading. After a little over halfway being done with the book it picked up a lot and by the end I was invested. Overall I recommend giving this book a try because by the end it is worth it.
Ruby Red was a story that took some time to get into but by the end I was intrigued. The plot is a lot more complicated than first revealed and though I loved Gwen and her best friend the plot is what kept me reading. After a little over halfway being done with the book it picked up a lot and by the end I was invested. Overall I recommend giving this book a try because by the end it is worth it.